What is Avdhan ?

Our History of Avdhan

Avdhan is an ancient practice of concentrated memory and intellectual prowess. It involves recalling multiple pieces of information with precision, showcasing exceptional cognitive skills. Ganivariya Shree Dr. Ajitchandrasagar Maharaj Saheb has performed multiple Avdhans, starting with 100 Avdhan at a young age, progressing to 200, 500, and recently achieving the remarkable feat of 1000 Avdhan on May 1, 2024. This event was celebrated by numerous attendees, including notable VIPs.

Sahastravdhan, or the ability to remember 1000 items, is a historic and unparalleled mental feat. Achieving this requires exceptional dedication and practice. This level of Avdhan is rare and symbolizes the zenith of memory and concentration power. It’s an extraordinary demonstration of human cognitive potential.

500 Avdhan marks a significant leap in the realm of memory and concentration, with the practitioner capable of recalling 500 separate pieces of information. This monumental achievement showcases the advanced cognitive abilities developed through dedicated Saraswati Sadhana and meditation practices, pushing the boundaries of mental endurance and capability.

Building upon the foundation of Shatavdhan, MahaShatavdhan (200 Avdhan)  involves the ability to remember and recite 200 distinct pieces of information. This higher level of Avdhan is even more challenging, demanding greater focus and enhanced mental capacity. It demonstrates the immense potential of the human mind when trained rigorously.

Shatavdhan refers to the extraordinary feat of remembering and recalling 100 different pieces of information simultaneously. This ancient practice requires immense concentration, mental agility, and memory power. Historically, very few individuals have achieved this level of mental prowess, making it a rare and revered accomplishment

Ashtavdhan is the ability to perform eight simultaneous mental tasks. While seemingly modest compared to the higher Avdhans, it is the foundational step in developing advanced memory skills. Ashtavdhan is crucial in training the mind for more complex feats, laying the groundwork for higher levels of Avdhan practices.

Our International Recognition

Noteworthy Accolades


The University of Germany mentioned Munishri’s noteworthy contribution towards memory and education sector

The University of New York highlighted Munishri’s commendable impact on the fields of memory and education.


Munishri’s substantial contributions in the domains were recognized and acknowledged by the Gujaratuniversity, underscoring the importance and significance of the influence he has had on the realms of memory enhancement and educational advancement.


This acknowledgment suggests that Munishri’s efforts and achievements have left a lasting and positive mark in the academic and cognitive spheres, contributing significantly to the enhancement of memory-related practices and advancements in the education sector.